
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, June 24, 2011

Two things I love

1. Having a sleeping baby to cuddle on my chest.
2. Watching a happy two year old snacking on a giant piece of watermelon.

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Evolution of Hayden Isabella

My sweet Hayden Isabella is two years old TODAY!! I can't believe that it's been two years since my world was changed forever! I am so blessed to have her in my life. She brings me such joy everyday. Even the days where the "terrible twos" are coming at me hard core! She is an amazing little girl and I can't wait to see what this year brings for her!
Here's the recap of the day that Hayden entered the world! June 20, 2009

My beautiful 2 year old!
I'll recap her stats after her 2 year appointment on Wednesday!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Turning 2

We celebrated Hayden's 2nd birthday yesterday! What an amazing time we had! We had a lot of friends meet us at the splash pad park! Hayden had a ton of fun with her Daddy running through the water! She was so exhausted from the fun that as soon as she was in the car, she was passed out!

We made sure to give love to Ella!
Opened half of the awesome presents! (Attention span of a two year old is not much, so we opened the rest at home!)
Ate ladybug cupcakes that Mama made!
Ate Eegees! If you don't know what Eegee's is, it's like shaved ice but WAY better, and you really should come to Tucson to try it!

Hayden, I hope you had great time! I love you!

The amazing pics (not the regular ones...) are thanks to our friends, The Robolds. Find Evan's awesomeness at Evan Robold Photography.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bribery and the Potty

Next week, I'm going to dive into potty training. Yep. Wish me luck! Last night, I tried the M&M trick. First, I let her taste one to see how good they are, then I gave her one when she sat on the potty. Then, we sat, and sat, and sat. I told her she could have another one if she went pee-pee in the potty. Well, it didn't come, so we moved on. We're still going to work with M&M's and I'm going to make her a potty chart somehow. Today, my way of getting her on the potty was via my Eegee. She drank, and drank, and drank, and didn't go. BUT! She did make herself throw up Eegee when she got a piece of coconut! Uggh. Well, at least she's sitting on it now! Small steps!
Unhappy that the only way she could have my Eegee was by sitting on the potty.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I was just thinking about whether or not Hayden and Ella really looked alike. I'm not sure still! I don't really think they do! What do you think?!
P.S. Hayden's 5 month picture credit goes to the wonderful Evan Robold Photography!
Check him out! He's fab!

Hayden's Early Birthday!

Hayden's 2nd birthday is on Monday!! Grandma and GG got Hayden a Neat and Tidy Cottage for her birthday! They brought it over so Will could put it together. Let's just say... Hayden LOVES it!!
Hayden helping Daddy!

GG and Ella watching
Hayden showing Ella how the phone works!
Hi Bug!

Trying to get GG to get in the house with her!
Happy almost 2 year old!