
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Easy Peasy Kind of Day

Today was super fun, well, maybe not for all of us.  We took the girls to their first swim lessons of the summer.  Let me tell you, the water was COLD!  I chose this pool because it's out in the open, under our hot Arizona sunlight.  Unfortunately, it surely wasn't heated to my liking.  Nor to Ella's.  She screamed her head off for most of the lesson.  Hayden enjoyed it though!

They were wiped out by the time we got to the car, and the lessons are only 30 minutes long!  They were both sleeping by the time we met my dad and stepmom for lunch.

When we came home, I wanted to start being a "good mom," so I of course Pinterested.  (Follow me or leave me a comment with your email address if you want an invite!)

Pinterest project #1:  We played with paint in bags taped to the table!

Yes, I know Ella looks board out of her mind. She was ready for nap time, and went down as soon as I took the picture!

While Ella was napping, Hayden and I worked on some school.  She can already identify all of the letters, but we're going to go a little more in depth with them.  Today was A.  She loved it!

*Side note* This picture was my inspiration to clean my sliding glass door.  Ick.  I'm sorry I'm showing it to you but she was so proud of her work!

This is the very first letter she EVER traced BY HERSELF!! I had to document it!

This is the after picture.  After, meaning I throughly cleaned the door, and then I REALLY mopped the floor while Ella was napping.  I EVEN picked up the crap that had accumulated on the dining table.  Don't you love the mixture of vintage lace on the table with the zebra seat cover for Hayden.  Yah.  I need to really have a theme.  I want a vintage them in my house.  Slowly but surely, I will thrift my way into a home looking the way I want!

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