Today is our 5th anniversary! June 8, 2007, I married this hot man. Most days, I don't regret that decision! (Come on... you all know what I mean.)
We had the best day. I wouldn't change anything about our wedding. It was perfect. Although with the joys of Pinterest, I'd totally love to do a vow renewal with something completely different!
I love that we don't have any traditional group shots! I wanted to show my real friends!
Everything about this day was magical. I love him!
Happy Anniversary Will!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Thursday, June 7, 2012
High on Thrifting Thursday!
I'm linking up with Harper's Happenings for High on Thrifting Thursday! I've just started thrifting and I love it! I find all kinds of cool vintage things for the house and super cute clothes for the girls! Here's my latest finds!
Super cute vintage pillowcase, milk glass vase, vintage Corningware, Oshkosh jumper, and an awesome wicker basket!
Super cute vintage pillowcase, milk glass vase, vintage Corningware, Oshkosh jumper, and an awesome wicker basket!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Easy Peasy Kind of Day
Today was super fun, well, maybe not for all of us. We took the girls to their first swim lessons of the summer. Let me tell you, the water was COLD! I chose this pool because it's out in the open, under our hot Arizona sunlight. Unfortunately, it surely wasn't heated to my liking. Nor to Ella's. She screamed her head off for most of the lesson. Hayden enjoyed it though!
They were wiped out by the time we got to the car, and the lessons are only 30 minutes long! They were both sleeping by the time we met my dad and stepmom for lunch.
When we came home, I wanted to start being a "good mom," so I of course Pinterested. (Follow me or leave me a comment with your email address if you want an invite!)
Pinterest project #1: We played with paint in bags taped to the table!
Yes, I know Ella looks board out of her mind. She was ready for nap time, and went down as soon as I took the picture!
While Ella was napping, Hayden and I worked on some school. She can already identify all of the letters, but we're going to go a little more in depth with them. Today was A. She loved it!
*Side note* This picture was my inspiration to clean my sliding glass door. Ick. I'm sorry I'm showing it to you but she was so proud of her work!
This is the very first letter she EVER traced BY HERSELF!! I had to document it!
This is the after picture. After, meaning I throughly cleaned the door, and then I REALLY mopped the floor while Ella was napping. I EVEN picked up the crap that had accumulated on the dining table. Don't you love the mixture of vintage lace on the table with the zebra seat cover for Hayden. Yah. I need to really have a theme. I want a vintage them in my house. Slowly but surely, I will thrift my way into a home looking the way I want!
They were wiped out by the time we got to the car, and the lessons are only 30 minutes long! They were both sleeping by the time we met my dad and stepmom for lunch.
When we came home, I wanted to start being a "good mom," so I of course Pinterested. (Follow me or leave me a comment with your email address if you want an invite!)
Pinterest project #1: We played with paint in bags taped to the table!
Yes, I know Ella looks board out of her mind. She was ready for nap time, and went down as soon as I took the picture!
While Ella was napping, Hayden and I worked on some school. She can already identify all of the letters, but we're going to go a little more in depth with them. Today was A. She loved it!
*Side note* This picture was my inspiration to clean my sliding glass door. Ick. I'm sorry I'm showing it to you but she was so proud of her work!
This is the very first letter she EVER traced BY HERSELF!! I had to document it!
This is the after picture. After, meaning I throughly cleaned the door, and then I REALLY mopped the floor while Ella was napping. I EVEN picked up the crap that had accumulated on the dining table. Don't you love the mixture of vintage lace on the table with the zebra seat cover for Hayden. Yah. I need to really have a theme. I want a vintage them in my house. Slowly but surely, I will thrift my way into a home looking the way I want!
Monday, June 4, 2012
Heartbreak and Joy
Finally. That word has a few meanings right now. Finally, I'm writing a post. It's been a little while. Finally, schools out for summer! And, the greatest finally... Finally, I'm a REAL stay at home mom! No going back. We have to make this work. I'm so excited, so thankful, so overwhelmed.
A little back story. Not that everyone in the world didn't already know that I wanted to be a stay at home mom, but the reason we decided I'd stay home this year. Well, my mom turned 60 on March 29, 2012. That same day, I discovered that I was pregnant with baby #3! That was a complete shocker. We weren't trying. We were in fact, preventing. Fact: picking up your prescription late= pregnancy chance. Not that I didn't know that, but, you know...
That was our deciding factor in whether or not I should stay home next year. I mean, I'd been praying desperately for God to give us a way for me to stay home. It was the deepest desire of my heart. That was a huge answer to prayer. Flat out, stay home with 3, 3 and under.
Fast forward, 9 weeks pregnant, May 8. I started to bleed at work. Obviously not good. Thankfully, my principal let me leave immediately. I literally called Will 30 times from the moment I left, until I pulled in the garage, because he wasn't answering his phone. (He was napping with the girls.) I called my mom and she immediately left work to watch the girls while I went to the doctor.
The doctor's appointment, obviously wasn't good. When he looked, all he saw was a sac, yolk, and fetal pole, but no baby. It looked like it was a "blighted ovum," which is basically where everything forms, but the baby. Will and I lost it. We had been trying to think positive, but it was crushing.
I decided to go ahead and go to work the next day because I already had a half day scheduled since I was supposed to have my first appointment the very next day. I got to work, but couldn't think straight, see straight, nothing. I was in a blur or emotions. I was bleeding quite a bit more before work, but thought I could make it. Then about 10 minutes before I was supposed to pick my class up, things turned bad...real bad. I picked the kids up, but heard absolutely nothing that any one of them said to me. I swear they all had to come up and tell me something as soon as they walked in.
Thankfully, my friend Emily, who taught next door, came in and took control while I called the principal and let him know that I had to leave, NOW. He understood. I took the next two days off, to recoup my body, mind, and heart.
I felt embarrassed that I had already told the world, and now had to take it all back. Then, I truly thought about it. I know quite a few people who had miscarriages. I felt like I COULD eventually talk about it. Why should I be embarrassed, I wasn't alone. The love I received was amazing.
Anyway, that brings us back to today. I'm loving my life with my two beautiful girls. When God grants us another baby, our hearts are ready. It's all God's timing and we believe and trust in it. God gave me the gift of changing Will's heart towards letting me stay home. (Not that he was against it, just worried about money, you know... realistically, it'll be hard.)
Now, I'm home, not stressing about work. I've got to keep up with this blog! :o) It can't be THAT hard.
I'll end this with my last "Finally," some pictures to leave you on a happy note:
Ella is now 16 months old!
and she has amazing morning hair if she sleeps in a ponytail!
Hayden turns 3 this month!! She's feisty, sassy, little girl. She's an amazing hugger, smoocher, and snuggler. I love the fire in this girl, even though she, at almost 3, brings fire in my eyes often! Ha!
A little back story. Not that everyone in the world didn't already know that I wanted to be a stay at home mom, but the reason we decided I'd stay home this year. Well, my mom turned 60 on March 29, 2012. That same day, I discovered that I was pregnant with baby #3! That was a complete shocker. We weren't trying. We were in fact, preventing. Fact: picking up your prescription late= pregnancy chance. Not that I didn't know that, but, you know...
That was our deciding factor in whether or not I should stay home next year. I mean, I'd been praying desperately for God to give us a way for me to stay home. It was the deepest desire of my heart. That was a huge answer to prayer. Flat out, stay home with 3, 3 and under.
Fast forward, 9 weeks pregnant, May 8. I started to bleed at work. Obviously not good. Thankfully, my principal let me leave immediately. I literally called Will 30 times from the moment I left, until I pulled in the garage, because he wasn't answering his phone. (He was napping with the girls.) I called my mom and she immediately left work to watch the girls while I went to the doctor.
The doctor's appointment, obviously wasn't good. When he looked, all he saw was a sac, yolk, and fetal pole, but no baby. It looked like it was a "blighted ovum," which is basically where everything forms, but the baby. Will and I lost it. We had been trying to think positive, but it was crushing.
I decided to go ahead and go to work the next day because I already had a half day scheduled since I was supposed to have my first appointment the very next day. I got to work, but couldn't think straight, see straight, nothing. I was in a blur or emotions. I was bleeding quite a bit more before work, but thought I could make it. Then about 10 minutes before I was supposed to pick my class up, things turned bad...real bad. I picked the kids up, but heard absolutely nothing that any one of them said to me. I swear they all had to come up and tell me something as soon as they walked in.
Thankfully, my friend Emily, who taught next door, came in and took control while I called the principal and let him know that I had to leave, NOW. He understood. I took the next two days off, to recoup my body, mind, and heart.
I felt embarrassed that I had already told the world, and now had to take it all back. Then, I truly thought about it. I know quite a few people who had miscarriages. I felt like I COULD eventually talk about it. Why should I be embarrassed, I wasn't alone. The love I received was amazing.
Anyway, that brings us back to today. I'm loving my life with my two beautiful girls. When God grants us another baby, our hearts are ready. It's all God's timing and we believe and trust in it. God gave me the gift of changing Will's heart towards letting me stay home. (Not that he was against it, just worried about money, you know... realistically, it'll be hard.)
Now, I'm home, not stressing about work. I've got to keep up with this blog! :o) It can't be THAT hard.
I'll end this with my last "Finally," some pictures to leave you on a happy note:
Ella is now 16 months old!
and she has amazing morning hair if she sleeps in a ponytail!
Hayden turns 3 this month!! She's feisty, sassy, little girl. She's an amazing hugger, smoocher, and snuggler. I love the fire in this girl, even though she, at almost 3, brings fire in my eyes often! Ha!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Spring Break!
Oh my. Here's a fact for you: I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY don't want to go back to work. Like, ever.
Break has been fun, exhausting, challenging, and whatever else you can think of. My goal over break was to potty train Hayden. At 2 years 9 months.... it's time. And... for the most part we succeeded! She'll go anytime she has to by herself now! (Here's the catch... she'll only go if she's naked on the bottom. ) So, what now? How in the world do I panty train her now? Help!
Celebrating successfully using all of her stickers and earning her princess dress! What a cheeseball she is!
We had to stop and look at the Coach purses at the BX.
My adorable bottomless pit after she opened the messy pantry.
Ella's now tall enough to: open our doors, and bash her head at the dining room table. Both frequently experienced this week.
We had to take Ella to the doctor for her 2nd half of shots from her 1 year appointment.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
10 Things
There are five rules:
1. Post these rules.
2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 random things.
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post.
4. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.
5. Go to their blog/twitter and tell them you've tagged them.
10 Random Things:
1. I can't sleep with my hair down. It drives me nuts having my hair get stuck when I move around. It has to be in a ponytail... and Will hates it. :o)
2. I DESPERATELY want to be a stay at home mom. That's no secret. It's such an ache in my heart right now, so all of my praying friends, please put that on your prayer list. We need to figure out a way to make that happen. (Also, Will tests for Tech Sgt on Tuesday, he doesn't think he'll make it his first time, but you could still pray for that because then I could definitely stay home.) I know God is bigger, and will make a way when He's ready, but patience is not my strongest suit.
3. I love rap music. I really do. I love me some Lil' Wayne, Jay-Z, and Drake. I love the way their voices sound. I don't often listen to it because Will hates it and obviously the girls shouldn't be listening to it, but when I hear a new song on the radio, I love it!
4. I HATE cheese, milk and cilantro the most of all of my picky weird food things. Bleck! Soo gross! My step mom likes to make things with cheese and watch my reaction when I actually like it and then tell me there's cheese in it! Sigh... Milk just plain grosses me out. And cilantro? That just tastes like a giant cloud of stink.
5. I like going to the gym. I don't EVER get to go though... another reason I'm still fat. I hate working out at home.
6. I met Will at the Cactus Moon (a country bar). Embarrassing, yes, but it's true. He told me he was in love with me before we were even "official." We were engaged 3 weeks later.
7. My love language is Words of Affirmation, so I'm super sensitive and really need to hear nice things. I cry really easily, and I'm a sympathy crier. If I see tears beginning to form when I'm talking to you, I start tearing up. I can't control it.
8. I love doing hair and makeup. LOVE it. I got hired at MAC earlier this year when I was teaching part time, I really wanted to do it but then the next day was asked to take on the full time 2nd grade position. If I could go back to school I'd totally want to go to cosmetology school.
9. I really, really, REALLY want more tattoos. I only have the one heart on the back of my neck, but I would totally have a half sleeve if I was brave enough. I've got a few more that I have in my mind that I want.
10. I love all reality tv and rarely watch the real news. Fo reals. All of the Real Housewives, Jersey Shore, E! News, Battle of the Exes on MTV, Khloe and Lamar, The Bachleor, Jerseylicious, Glam Fairy, all of it. Really, ALL of it.
Questions from Danielle:
1. If money, schooling or time was no obstacle, what career would you choose?
I'd be a stay at home mom, but for real like out of the house career I'd love to be a famous stylist like Rachel Zoe.
5. I like going to the gym. I don't EVER get to go though... another reason I'm still fat. I hate working out at home.
6. I met Will at the Cactus Moon (a country bar). Embarrassing, yes, but it's true. He told me he was in love with me before we were even "official." We were engaged 3 weeks later.
7. My love language is Words of Affirmation, so I'm super sensitive and really need to hear nice things. I cry really easily, and I'm a sympathy crier. If I see tears beginning to form when I'm talking to you, I start tearing up. I can't control it.
8. I love doing hair and makeup. LOVE it. I got hired at MAC earlier this year when I was teaching part time, I really wanted to do it but then the next day was asked to take on the full time 2nd grade position. If I could go back to school I'd totally want to go to cosmetology school.
9. I really, really, REALLY want more tattoos. I only have the one heart on the back of my neck, but I would totally have a half sleeve if I was brave enough. I've got a few more that I have in my mind that I want.
10. I love all reality tv and rarely watch the real news. Fo reals. All of the Real Housewives, Jersey Shore, E! News, Battle of the Exes on MTV, Khloe and Lamar, The Bachleor, Jerseylicious, Glam Fairy, all of it. Really, ALL of it.
Questions from Danielle:
1. If money, schooling or time was no obstacle, what career would you choose?
I'd be a stay at home mom, but for real like out of the house career I'd love to be a famous stylist like Rachel Zoe.
2. What's the one thing you look forward to every day?
Kissing my girls and seeing them usually when I get home from work, since they are usually asleep when I leave.
Kissing my girls and seeing them usually when I get home from work, since they are usually asleep when I leave.
3. What is your number one, all-time, favorite blog?
I love Kelly's Korner and Sometimes Sweet.
I love Kelly's Korner and Sometimes Sweet.
4. Biggest online pet peeve?
I don't really have one!
I don't really have one!
5. What is your all-time favorite book?
Well I don't get to read often anymore, but I love Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner and of course The Hunger Games.
Well I don't get to read often anymore, but I love Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner and of course The Hunger Games.
6. What would your "last meal" be?
Easy- Crab legs and artichokes with lots of melted butter
Easy- Crab legs and artichokes with lots of melted butter
7. Do you believe in love at first site?
I do because I experienced it with Will!
I do because I experienced it with Will!
8. What would your ideal Sunday morning consist of?
Making a nice breakfast, having Will get up and all of us happily head off to church then to a nice lunch afterward.
Making a nice breakfast, having Will get up and all of us happily head off to church then to a nice lunch afterward.
9. Why do you blog?
I blog to get memories down forever, since I don't scrapbook!
I blog to get memories down forever, since I don't scrapbook!
10. If you had to choose one color to wear forever, what would you pick?
Probably gray. I have a lot of gray!
My questions for you:
1. If you could go back in time, would you study something different or have a different career?
2. Why'd you choose your children's names?
3. What's your favorite tv show?
4. How'd you meet your spouse?
5. What's your favorite website?
6. What's your favorite place to shop for your clothes?
7. What's your favorite thing about where you live?
8. What's the first thing you'd buy if you won the lottery?
9. What's your favorite way to relax?
10. Which celebrity do you want to be friends with?
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Golf N' Stuff... Can't Get Enough
We're lucky here in AZ to have Rodeo Break! Two days off to celebrate our AZ heritage. Do you think we'd actually go to the rodeo? Ha! Maybe someday, but yesterday we went to mini golf! Hayden had such a blast hitting the ball then chasing it down. She's gotten a lot of practice at Papa and Grammy's house because they have a little putting green in their backyard.
Hole in one!
"I got it!"
Ella wanted in on the action!
We got in a few arcade games.
Then came the mother of all meltdowns as soon as we got to the car. She was so tired because she woke up at 4 am. Yes, 4 am. She kicked and screamed until she put herself to sleep. What a way to end a fun day.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Ella is 1!
We had a lot of trouble getting her over jaundice that first week and she had to have a light kit at home for as close to 24 hours a day as we could do. Although I do feel blessed that we didn't have to admit her back into the hospital. She had to have her poor baby foot poked almost everyday.
Once we got through the jaundice, I thought that we were in the clear. I thought wrong. Just as Ella turned 2 weeks old, Hayden got her first cold. That cold turned into RSV for Ella. My tiny baby started throwing up every single time she nursed. And throwing up a lot. Thus, she was having a hard time gaining weight. On February 14, 2011, we took her to the doctor for what I thought was just a cold. The doctor made her go by ambulance to the hospital to be checked for RSV. The ambulance was just a precaution because she was so little. (*Note* She had one breathing treatment while at the doctor's office.)
She was admitted to the hospital and given 2 or 3 more breathing treatments. She tested positive for RSV. Will went home to stay with Hayden and I stayed at the hospital with Ella. Well, then my world came crashing down. At 2 am the doctor raced in and checked her heartbeat because the monitor was reading over 300 beats per minute. Normal is about 140-160. 300+... is NOT good. In fact, it's almost cardiac arrest numbers. Without explaining anything to me, he and about 5 nurses ran in, grabbed her bed and raced her to the PICU. Then a huge team surrounded her doing everything they could to make her heartrate go back down. (*Note* I am in hysterics, and alone now.) I call Will, but he isn't answering. I call my mom and she immediately starts heading over to my house with the intention of waking Will up and take over being there with Hayden. I call my dad too and explain the nothing that I know. All I know is that I'm watching about 20 people surrounding my tiny now 3 week old daughter, holding ice on her face, crunching her legs to her chest, calling out counts of doses of medicine that are now reaching the teens.
It was truly the scariest thing I have EVER gone through. Will finally woke up before my mom got there, didn't understand a word I said except that mom was on her way over. He immediately left the house... leaving Hayden sleeping, and my mom about 5 minutes away. I can't even explain the utter fear in my heart for my precious baby girl.
My tiny baby filled with IV's.
Daddy and Ella
Grandma bringing Hayden to visit
Ella and Mommy
Mommy and girls
Papa and Ella
Mommy and Ella
After about 15 doses of medicine in a span of maybe 15 of the longest minutes of my life, Ella was stable. Through a week's stay in the PICU, 2 Echocardiograms, and NO MORE breathing treatments, we found out that Ella has WPW Syndrome. It's not as scary as we thought. She's now taking Propranolol 3 times a day, and it's simply a part of life now. She sees a cardiologist and wears a heart monitor about every 3 months.
All that said, it's been an amazing year of Ella. She's got her 1 year check up in the beginning of February, so I'll update her stats then, but I believe she's 20lbs now. She's almost walking, "talking" up a storm, in LOVE with Lenny (her Scentsy lamb from my BFF Tresa, that Grandma gave her for Christmas), and having so much fun trying to keep up with her big sister!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Military wife questions
1. How did you and your spouse meet?
Ha! Honestly, The Cactus Moon. A country bar! BUT we had a friend in common who introduced us!
2. How old were you when you two met?
I was 23, he was 21.
Ha! Honestly, The Cactus Moon. A country bar! BUT we had a friend in common who introduced us!
2. How old were you when you two met?
I was 23, he was 21.
3. How long have you been together?
We were actually instantly together since the middle of August 2006. We spent the whole night we met dancing, then went out for breakfast with two of our friends the next morning, and talked everyday after that. He told me he was in love with me about a week later and I said, "I guess that means we're official!" We were engaged September 9,2006 and married June 8, 2007.
4. Where are you and your spouse originally from?
I am from Tucson, AZ where we met and still live, he is from Ocala, FL.
5. How did you feel about him joining the military?
He was in the Air Force when we met!
6. Where did your spouse go to Basic Training?
Lackland, TX
7. Has your spouse ever been deployed?
Yes, once from May 2008-October 2008.
8. Ever been to his promotion ceremony?
Nope because I couldn't get a sub for my class that day. I was really bummed.
9. How long have you been a military wife?
5 years.
10. Did you marry him before or after he joined?
11. How did your husband propose?
5 years.
10. Did you marry him before or after he joined?
11. How did your husband propose?
He came by my house when I thought he was supposed to be working. We went up to Mt. Lemmon, where we had gone a lot. (There's not all that much to do here in Tucson!) He was acting really strange and fidgety but we went up to our favorite lookout. It was freezing and I was wearing shorts and was ready to go but he kept stalling until everyone else had left the spot. Then he got down on one knee when we were all alone. It was very sweet.
12. Where did you get married?
At a beautiful home downtown, The Stillwell House
13. How old were you two when you got married?
I was 23. He was 21.
14. Did he wear his uniform on his wedding day?
15. Where are you and your spouse currently stationed?
Tucson, AZ
12. Where did you get married?
At a beautiful home downtown, The Stillwell House
13. How old were you two when you got married?
I was 23. He was 21.
14. Did he wear his uniform on his wedding day?
15. Where are you and your spouse currently stationed?
Tucson, AZ
16. Do you live on base?
No, we own our home.... although we desperately want to sell and rent somewhere else.
17. How long were you married when you had to go through your first separation?
Almost a year
18. What is your favorite base so far?
We've only been at Davis-Monthan.
19. Do you think your spouse looks good in his uniform?
Of course!!
20. Do you think military life is more advanced than civilian life?
No! Just different struggles.
21. Do you like the benefits you receive as a military dependent?
Yes! I am extremely grateful for health and dental insurance!
22. Do you have a lot of military wife friends?
No, not really. Since I've grown up here, I still have my friends that I've grown up with.
23. What is the hardest part of the military life?
Right now, EXERCISES. They are happening every month and I have to have my whole family struggle to figure out who can help watch the girls since I'm a teacher. We're lucky because Will watches the girls during the day, then goes to work when I get home. So, we never see each other, but the girls don't have to go to daycare.
24. Do you own military wife stuff?
Actually nothing except the best framed poem that I got at my wedding shower.
25. Do you support your spouse as a member of the military?
23. What is the hardest part of the military life?
Right now, EXERCISES. They are happening every month and I have to have my whole family struggle to figure out who can help watch the girls since I'm a teacher. We're lucky because Will watches the girls during the day, then goes to work when I get home. So, we never see each other, but the girls don't have to go to daycare.
24. Do you own military wife stuff?
Actually nothing except the best framed poem that I got at my wedding shower.
25. Do you support your spouse as a member of the military?
Of course!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Military family
Tonight, I'm linking up on Kelly's Korner! It's all about military families tonight. As I should be grading millions of 2nd grade papers, I'm taking a break to share a little bit. My pictures are showing up weirdly huge, but you'll get the jist.
Will and I have been married for 5 years now. He's been in the Air Force for almost 7 years and we met here in Tucson, his first station. I'm from here, and thankfully, we haven't had to move yet, meaning my whole family is here!
We got pregnant with our first daughter pretty much the day he came home from his first deployment. Yah... that fast. Hayden is 2 1/2 now. (This was Hayden's first birthday photo shoot and Will was on his way to work.)
This is Hayden now, crazy "cheese" face and all.
A normal Hayden picture.
We also have an almost 1 year old!! Ella turns 1 on Jan. 23!!
Our beautiful girls at dinner last week.
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