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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday Funday

We went to the zoo after church! We were smart and got the family membership a few months ago. Best $40 we've spent! We love the Reid Park Zoo!

The girls are ready for the fun!
Ellabug, snuggled up with her burp rag that we must always keep close at hand! (She's very spitty!)
Checking out the lions with Daddy.
Doesn't get much cuter than this!This terrified face, is because Daddy was attacking her with a stuffed snake! (She really was laughing after each time he did it!) I just think this picture is hysterical!
Here's the snake attack!

On another note, Sunday's I try to look my best. It's definitely not always possible, and end up in jeans at church quite often (GASP!). I usually end up changing clothes about 5 times and, more often than not end up leaving in the first outfit I tried on. I really need to declutter my closet and get rid of, well... pretty much everything. I'm thinking about trying to make a "Closet" page on here to sell things that I don't want anymore from my closet and the girl's closets. 99% of the clothes in my closet do not get worn and haven't gotten worn. It's sad. They need a good home.

Anywho- I'm going to start doing a Sunday Splash of Color. Show you some amazing nail colors that you may want! It's an easy way to feel a little bit put together! I'm vowing to expand my nail colors from only pinks and reds. It's totally taking me out of my comfort zone, but it'll be fun!

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